Home / Topics / Find Out More / Further Reading / Who’s who in the world of climate change and sustainability? Who’s who in the world of climate change and sustainability? by Rachel England 20 Apr 2020 Further Reading 7 min read Share this article Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copy linkLink copied! Your at-a-glance guide to the key players tackling the climate crisis in the UK. As the national conversation around climate change becomes louder, you’re likely to see more and more companies and organisations taking part in the discussion. Here are some of the major organisations you should know about, organised by category. Buildings Association for Environmentally Conscious Buildings A UK network of individuals and companies with the common aim of promoting sustainable building. www.aecb.net Passivehaus Trust An independent, non-profit organisation that provides leadership in the UK for the adoption of the Passivhaus standard – the leading international low energy standard for buildings. www.passivehaustrust.org.uk UK Green Building Council A membership organisation that aims to radically transform the way the built environment in the UK is planned, designed, constructed and maintained. www.ukgbc.org Carbon Footprint Calculators WWF The world’s leading independent conservation organisation. www.footprint.wwf.org.uk Finance Good with Money Tips, guidance facts and inspiration for putting money in a place where it can improve the world www.good-with-money.com/ Share Action Working with savers and institutional investors to ensure our communities and environment are safe and sustainable for all. www.shareaction.org UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association The UK’s membership network for sustainable and responsible financial services. www.uksif.org Flooding Environment Agency The UK’s non-departmental public body, supported by the government to protect and enhance the environment and promote sustainable development. www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency Flood Re A joint initiative between the government and insurers to make flood cover part of household insurance policies more affordable. www.floodre.co.uk National Flood Forum A national charity supporting flood risk communities around the UK. www.nationalfloodforum.org.uk Food and farming LEAF LEAF (linking environment and farming) is the leading organisation promoting sustainable food and farming. www.leaf.org National Farmers Union The voice of British farming. www.nfuonline.com Nature Friendly Farming Network Aims to unite farmers and the public with a passion for wildlife and sustainability in farming. www.nffn.org.uk RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission A public service established in 2017 to think afresh about where our food comes from. www.thersa.org Soil Association The UK’s leading food and farming charity and organic certification body. www.soilassociation.org Sustainable Food Alliance A global voice for sustainable food systems. www.sustainablefoodalliance.org Heat and power Energy Networks Association The voice of UK energy networks, representing the ‘wires and pipes’ transmission and distribution network operators for gas and electricity in the UK and Ireland. www.energynetworks.org Energy UK The trade association for the UK’s energy industry with more than 100 members across a broad spectrum of the sector. www.energy-uk.org.uk National Grid ESO The UK’s Electricity System Operator (ESO) tasked with balancing supply and demand in real time. www.nationalgrideso.com Media and news Business Green The UK’s leading source of information for the green economy, delivering the latest news and in-depth analysis on green business and environmental issues. www.businessgreen.com Carbon Brief Cover climate science and climate and energy policy, specialising in clear, data-driven articles to improve the understanding of climate change. www.carbonbrief.org Climate Citizens Assembly An assembly of citizens gather to learn, debate, and make recommendations on the issue of climate change. www.climateassembly.uk ECIU The Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, providing informed debate on energy and climate change. www.eciu.net Edie.net Daily news and commentary for sustainability, energy and environmental professionals. www.edie.net ENDS Report UK source of intelligence for environmental professionals, delivering news, analysis and reference across the carbon, environmental and sustainability agenda. www.endsreport.com Land and forestry ConFor The Confederation of Forest Industries, shortened to ConFor, is the trade association for the forestry industry in the UK. www.confor.org.uk Countryside Landowners Association The membership organisation for owners of land, property and business in rural England and Wales. www.cla.org.uk Forestry Commission A non-ministerial department dedicated to increasing the value of woodlands to society and the environment. www.gov.uk/government/organisations/forestry-commission Woodland Trust The UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. www.woodlandtrust.org.uk Lifestyle Ethical Consumer A not-for-profit research and campaign organisation which publishes information on the social, ethical and environmental behaviour of companies and issues around trade justice and ethical consumption. www.ethicalconsumer.org Grist A lifestyle website that aims to work toward “a planet that doesn’t burn and a future that doesn’t suck”. www.grist.org Transition Network A movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world. www.transitionnetwork.org One Home The UK’s first portal for clean technology promoting climate action for both mitigation and adaptation. www.onehome.org.uk Environmental NGOs and campaigns The Climate Coalition The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change. www.theclimatecoalition.org Extinction Rebellion An international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse. www.rebellion.earth Friends of the Earth An environmental campaigning community dedicated to the wellbeing and protection of the natural world and everyone in it. www.friendsoftheearth.uk Greenpeace A movement of people passionate about defending the natural world from destruction. www.greenpeace.org.uk Green Alliance An independent think tank and charity focused on ambitious leadership for the environment. www.green-alliance.org.uk UK Student Climate Network UKSCN is a group of mostly under 18s taking to the streets to protest the government’s lack of action on the climate crisis. www.ukscn.org Renewable and sustainable energy Centre for Alternative Technology Offering practical solutions and hands-on learning to help create a zero-carbon world. www.cat.org.uk The Energy Saving Trust A social enterprise dedicated to promoting energy efficiency, energy conservation and the sustainable use of energy. www.energysavingtrust.org.uk RenewableUK The UK’s leading not-for-profit renewable energy trade association. www.renewableuk.com Sustainable Energy Association A member-based industry body offering innovative policy solutions that link up building-level technologies and the wider renewables community. www.sustainableenergyassociation.com The Renewable Energy Association The UK’s largest renewable energy and clean technology body, representing over 550 member companies www.r-e-a.net YouGen Bringing together people interested in renewable energy. www.yougen.co.uk Science Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations A global hub for understanding the systemic and society-wide transformations that are required to address climate change. www.cast.ac.uk DEFRA The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is the government department responsible for environmental protection, food production and standards, agriculture, fisheries and rural communities within the UK. www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs International Universities Climate Alliance Providing a central hub for universities to share the latest climate research with the public and enable greater collaboration between leading research teams, supporting global leaders, policy makers and industry in planning for and responding to climate change. www.universitiesforclimate.org Met Office The national weather service for the UK, providing internationally-renowned weather and climate science services. www.metoffice.gov.uk Tyndall Centre An organisation bringing together UK scientists, economists and engineers to tackle the challenges of the climate crisis. www.tyndall.ac.uk Transport Aviation Environment Forum A UK-based organisation campaigning for aviation’s impacts on people and the environment to be brought within sustainable limits. www.aef.org.uk Living Streets Dedicated to creating a walking nation, free from congested roads and pollution. www.livingstreets.org.uk Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership A public-private partnership that exists to accelerate a sustainable shift to lower carbon, cleaner vehicles and fuels. www.lowcvp.org.uk Sustrans The charity that makes it easier for everyone to walk and cycle in the UK. www.sustrans.org.uk Zap Map A guide to help drivers locate and update EV charge points in the UK and Ireland with advice, help, and tools on charging points and electric vehicles. www.zap-map.com Waste Ellen MacArthur Foundation The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works to inspire a generation to re-think, re-design and build a positive future circular economy. www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org SAS Plastic Free Working to create a community network that encourages life without single-use plastics. www.sas.org.uk Recycle Now The national recycling campaign for England. www.recyclenow.com WRAP WRAP works with governments, businesses and communities to deliver practical solutions to improve resource efficiency. www.wrap.org.uk Water Water UK The trade association representing the UK’s water companies, working towards better policies for the future of water. www.water.org.uk Waterwise An independent not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation promoting water efficiency and conservation throughout the UK. www.waterwise.org.uk Disclaimer The information in this article was correct at the time of writing and is provided for guidance only. 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