Cut plastic waste by joining the refill revolution

15 Jun 2021
3 min read

Join the refill revolution with an easy sustainable swap.

It’s no secret that our addiction to single-use plastic is out of control. Globally, we create 300 million tonnes of plastic every year, and more than half of this is designed to be used just once. It’s taking a huge toll on the planet – did you know that food wrappers are now the most found item on beaches around the world, overtaking cigarettes for the first time?

What’s the solution? A refill revolution! We need a bold approach to the plastics problem that focuses on refill and reuse, and that’s exactly the aim of World Refill Day. Celebrated on 16 June, World Refill Day is a global public awareness campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste. Together with planet-protecting partners and thousands of everyday activists around the world, the campaign calls on businesses, brands and governments to choose to reuse and help make single-use plastic a thing of the past.

Here’s how you can contribute to this wave of change.

1.  Choose to reuse

There are lots of ways to eliminate single-use plastic from your everyday routine without making much effort at all. You could:

Why not commit to making one switch, just for a week, to see how you get on? It’s easier than you think!

2.  Discover refill points near you

There are more refill stations around the world than ever before. A refill station is a location where you can eat, drink or shop without the pointless packaging. From a coffee on your commute and drinking water on the go, to grocery shopping with less plastic, you can find refill stations in shops, cafes, transport hubs and community buildings. Better yet, World Refill Day has an amazing app that tells you exactly where they all are.

3.  Spread the word

One of the easiest ways to make change happen is to encourage others to follow suit, so share your refill pics and actions on social media to spur your friends and family into action. Tell your followers about the Refill Station app, share a snap of your swish reusable bottle or shout about a great deal you got on a refillable item. Use #ChooseToReuse or #RefillRevolution so others can find your inspirational content.

4.  Tell businesses it’s time for change

Let your favourite brands know that you want to see them do more to reduce single-use plastic by offering reusable options. Don’t forget, businesses are driven by their customer base, so if we make enough noise they have to listen!

5.  Start your own refill scheme

If you run a business (or know one!) that has the potential to offer refills or is already doing so, jump to it! By signing up as a refill station you’ll be taking action to reduce waste and prevent plastic pollution. Simply sign up to the app and put a sticker in your window, alerting passers-by that they’re welcome to come on in and get a refill. You’ll save money, increase footfall and help to protect the area you love in the process.

The bottom line

Our single-use plastic habit has traditionally been driven by cost and convenience, but given the number of options available to us as consumers now, this isn’t really an excuse any more. Refilling and reusing will slash the amount of plastic waste you create, and if everyone chooses to reuse the positive impact on the planet will be massive. Are you ready to join the refill revolution?



The information in this article was correct at the time of writing and is provided for guidance only. Please see the full disclaimer in our terms and conditions.

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