Home / Useful Organisations / Flooding Flooding Flood Action Groups National Flood Forum can support in setting up a local Flood Action Group if your community is at risk of flooding. https://nationalfloodforum.org.uk/working-together/communities/what-is-a-flood-action-group/ Check if your home is at risk from flooding England: https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/long-term-flood-risk Sign up for free flood alerts from the Environment Agency for your home or business https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings The Floodline telephone number is 0345 988 1188 Northern Ireland: Flood risk, preparation and what to do in an emergency: NI Direct – Flooding in your area Scotland: Live flood warnings, flood risk maps etc: Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Support for community action groups, and much more: The Scottish Flood Forum Wales: Live flood warnings and river levels, flood warning messages and other information: Natural Resources Wales