Energy Saving

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Understand your appliances’ eco settings

Every week we bring you a simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week: how making a few changes to the way you use your appliances can reduce your carbon footprint.
Rachel England 11 Dec 2019 4 min read
eco setting

Draught-proof your home: DO ONE THING

Every week we bring you a simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week: how a few simple draught-proofing measures can lower your energy bills while keeping your home warm and cosy.
Rachel England 5 Dec 2019 4 min read

Get your boiler serviced: Do one thing

Every week we bring you a simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week: the financial and environmental benefits of a regular boiler service.
Angela Terry 11 Oct 2019 3 min read
cat on a radiator heating home