Your Home

Transform your home and your garden into elegant and environmentally friendly spaces for you and your loved ones

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Understand your appliances’ eco settings

Every week we bring you a simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week: how making a few changes to the way you use your appliances can reduce your carbon footprint.
Rachel England 11 Dec 2019 4 min read
eco setting

Draught-proof your home: DO ONE THING

Every week we bring you a simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week: how a few simple draught-proofing measures can lower your energy bills while keeping your home warm and cosy.
Rachel England 5 Dec 2019 4 min read

Plant a tree: DO ONE THING

Every week we bring you a simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week: how planting a tree is one of the easiest ways to make a positive impact on the environment.
Rachel England 18 Oct 2019 3 min read

Get your boiler serviced: Do one thing

Every week we bring you a simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week: the financial and environmental benefits of a regular boiler service.
Angela Terry 11 Oct 2019 3 min read
cat on a radiator heating home

DO ONE THING: Grow your own veg

Every week we bring you a new, simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. This week, we look at the many benefits of growing your own veg.
Angela Terry 10 Sep 2019 3 min read

How to make your garden bee-friendly

Every week we bring you a new, simple idea for reducing your carbon footprint and protecting the planet. In the first of this series, we look at five easy steps you can take to help bees thrive in your outdoor space.
Angela Terry 31 Jul 2019 4 min read
Bee on flower image